Gamification techniques for
e-learning applications​
19 November 2020
11:30-13:00 CET*
*It's possible to join at any time in case someone wants to listen to a specific presentation
ONLINE EVENT hosted by University of Jyväskylä
11:30 CET
Personalised education in COVID times.
G. M. Sacha, Autonomous University of Madrid
Since gamification is a concept closely related to motivation, we must understand first the reasons that change the engagement of students in all kind of situations. We present an analysis of the motivation in the learning process in different scenarios, including a recent study of students' performance in COVID-19 confinement
11:50 CET
School of Digital Wizards: Gamifying teacher students' course platform.
Tuula Nousiainen, Emilia Ahlström and Mikko Vesisenaho, University of Jyväskylä.
We present findings from a pilot study where we implemented gamified elements in a Moodle course for teacher students. We discuss the students' experiences and their implications for meeting the preferences of different user types.
12:20 CET
Applying VR in STEAM when combining primary and teacher education: Case OpenDigi & Minecraft.
Mikko Vesisenaho and Mari Kyllönen, University of Jyväskylä.
We present the OpenDigi approach for professional development and teacher education, applying design based learning processes with pupils.
12:40 CET
From Bloom to the Digital Action Plan: M.Genie for educators with a refugee background.
Patricia Huion, University College Leuven-Limburg.
We discuss a concept of how we can introduce refugees with a teacher background in social entrepreneurship through a gamified, adaptive learning environment.