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Teresa González Gallego, Mariángeles de la Rubia, Kyle Hincz, Marta Comas Lopez, Laia Subirats, Santi Fort, Sacha Gomez. 

DOI: 110.35542/

Published: 2020

Document Type: Proceedings Paper


This study explores the effects of COVID-19 confinement in the students’ performance in higher education. Using a field experiment of 458 students from three different subjects in Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain), we study the differences in assessments by dividing students into two groups. The first group (control) corresponds to academic years 2017/2018 and 2018/2019. The second group (experimental) corresponds to students from 2019/2020, which is the group of students that interrupted their face-to-face activities because of the confinement. The results show that there is a significant positive effect of the COVID-19 confinement on students’ performance. This effect is also significative in activities that did not change their format when performed after the confinement. We find that this effect is significative both in subjects that increased the number of assessment activities and subjects that did not change the workload of students. Additionally, an analysis of students’ learning strategies before confinement shows that students did not study in a continuous basis. Based on these results, we conclude that COVID-19 confinement changed students’ learning strategies to a more continuous habit, improving their efficiency. For these reasons, better scores in students’ assessment are expected due to COVID-19 confinement that can be explained by an improvement in their learning performance.

Adaptive tests as a supporting tool for self-evaluation in theoretical and practical contents in Biochemistry

Comas-Lopez, M; Hincz, KP; Gamez, A; Yanez-Mo, M; Sacha, GM


Edited by: GarciaPenalvo, FJ

Pages: 180-184

DOI: 10.1145/3284179.3284212

Published: 2018

Document Type: Proceedings Paper


This paper presents a self-learning method based on a system of adaptive tests in which questions are automatically modified while the student is being tested. The main objective of this method is to serve as support for student learning and self-evaluation, as a model for study and assessment, and to improve the acquisition of knowledge in higher education. The method has been tested with real students in subjects that include both theoretical and practical classes. Results from this experiment demonstrate that the tool is useful in most of the cases, with most advantages in theoretical contents.

Soft Skills assessment in Art and Globalization

De Haro-Garcia, N; Comas-Lopez, M; Hincz, KP; Mazalu, M; Sacha, GM


Edited by: GarciaPenalvo, FJ

Pages: 199-204

DOI: 10.1145/3284179.3284215

Published: 2018

Document Type: Proceedings Paper


In this article we present a method, based on well-known and stablished rubrics, to measure soft skills in Art subjects. The method implies two phases, both related to peer and self-evaluation. Peer and self-evaluation are performed both externally and internally in work groups. We demonstrate that it is easy for the students to have a strong agreement when evaluating a good performance of a group. Results from the internal evaluation of the members of the groups reveal that students can detect bad behaviors that highly correlate with bad results in the final exam. This system could be used as a good predictor of bad attitudes or strategies throughout the learning process.

Self-assessment method based on questions with variable numerical values

Comas-Lopez, M; Sacha, GM


This essay presents an adaptive test system in which the questions are automatically modified each time the students run the application. The method presented proves to be effective for the use of the same system in both learning and evaluation phases. This homogeneity represents a great advance in the feedback processes between students and teachers as it provides information on the progress made in real time. The information acquired during the learning phase can also be used to monitor correct development of the subjects throughout the teaching periods or to detect deficiencies in specific students. The results of the proposed method are justified by a study of 170 students over two academic years.

Sequential adaptive tests to improve the assimilation of contents during learning

Comas-Lopez, M; Molins-Ruano, P; Atrio, S; Sacha, GM


In this article we present a system of adaptive tests that show different sets of questions sequentially to students. This system is used to avoid learning strategies where only learning answers in instead of the assimilation and individual reflection of the contents. As a conclusion of this article that parameters such as the number of attempts needed to achieve the maximum grade or the first grades obtained in each set of questions are relevant factors in order to predict and correct inappropriate methods in the teaching and learning process.

Adaptive test system for subjects that simultaneously include theoretical content

and numerical problem solving

Comas-Lopez, M; de la Rubia, MA; Sacha, GM


This article presents a system of adaptive tests designed for scientific subjects in which theoretical content and numerical resolution problems can be included. In the case of theoretical contents, a traditional multiple choice test has been used. However, for the resolution of numerical problems, a new system of questions has been designed in which the statements are dynamically modified to ensure that there is no repetition of results between the different runs of the problem. A study carried out with real students reveals the usefulness of the system. However, it also reveals the unwillingness of students to use it on an ongoing basis, which would be the strategy that would yield the best results.

Adaptive techniques in e-Learning for transnational programs

Subirats, L., Fort, S., Martín, Á., Huion, P., Peltonen, M., Nousiainen, T., Miakush, I., Vesisenaho, M., & Sacha, G.M.


In this article we present a set of methods and models to help the inclusion of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in transnational programs. The material that we are presenting takes advantage of several adaptive models that automatically react to students' activity. These models are extremely useful in environments where a huge number of very different students (such as those found in transnational programs) are enrolled in the courses or where the distance is a problem for face-to-face activities. We present the theoretical background, the gamification and adaptive techniques included in the model and the platform where the courses are implemented.

Intelligent Tutoring System in Archaeology

Subirats, L., Fort, S., Hernández, C., Pérez, L., Vesisenaho, M., Nousiainen, T., Peltonen, M., Miakush, I., & Sacha, G.M. 


A method that uses artificial intelligence for the taxonomical characterization of bone remains in archaeological sites is shown. The main goal of this method is to help students and archaeologists in the classification of samples in order to improve the efficiency of their tasks during the campaigns at archaeological sites. The development of the system implies several steps: training of classification algorithms, development of a user-friendly interface and implementation of gamification techniques to improve learning motivation and the efficiency of the system in the learning process. This system will help archaeology students to classify new samples. In this prototype, by introducing characteristics of a sample, the system answers with a possible animal “Family” related to the sample. This answer can be used by archaeologists as a first clue to determine the species recovered, or by students as additional information to help them in their learning process and self-regulation learning phase.

Moodlea pelillistämässä: kokemuksia opettajaopiskelijoiden tieto- ja viestintäteknologian kurssilta. [Gamifying Moodle: Experience from an ICT course for teacher students.]

Nousiainen, T., Vesisenaho, M., Ahlström, E., & Peltonen, M.

Published in Yliopistopedagogiikka, 27(1)

Gamifying Teacher Students’ Learning Platform: Information and Communication Technology in Teacher Education Courses

Nousiainen, T., Vesisenaho, M., Ahlström, E., Peltonen, M., Fort, S., & Gómez, S.  (2020)

Published in: F. J. García-Peñalvo & A. García-Holgado (Eds.), TEEM'20: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (pp. 688-693)

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