Learning Analytics for
e-learning applications
25 November 2020
14:00-15:00 CET
ONLINE EVENT hosted by Eurecat
14:00 CET
Adaptative training itineraries: SkillsMatch
Luis Fernandez Sanz, University of AlcalÃ
The EU-funded project Skills Match was aimed at providing to job seekers a clear insight of the soft skills most demanded in Europe as well as a system to assess their own soft skills. By explotating open sources of big data from EU tools like the labor classification ESCO or CEDEFOP's OVATE tool for the analysis of online vacancies, the project has been capable of a precise determination of the demand of soft skills as well as the catalogue of hundreds of MOOCs according to their potential to develop soft skills. This enables a recommendation of e-learning courses exactly oriented to develop the soft skills absent in a job seeker but required by employers for specific target occupations.
14:15 CET
Intelligent tutoring system applying to archeological studies
G. M. Sacha, Autonomous University of Madrid
This presentation shows a method that uses artificial intelligence to develop an efficient platform for the taxonomical characterization of bone fragments in archeological sites. The main goal of this method is to help students and archeologists in the classification of samples in order to improve the efficiency of their tasks during the campaigns at archeological sites and/or their subsequent laboratory analysis.
14:30 CET
Students' emotional data gathering and processing.
Arijit Nandi, Eurecat
Learning, human intelligence, and emotion have entangled connections. Emotions especially positive emotions influence the attention of the learner, exert their desire to learn, and affect their self-regulated learning. As a result, an improvement in students’ ability to learn more and score well in exams, to gather more in-depth knowledge about subjects, to excel in their career goals, etc.
14:45 CET
Data analysis to adjust training offering to market demand in the field of vocational training
Daniel Gonzalez Vidal, Eurecat
The project studies such as over-training or the impact of the evolution of demand on enrollments as well as different aspects related to Dual and Occupational Vocational Training. A comparison has been made between labor supply and demand in two professional families representing the industrial and service sectors.